Special Coupons and Promotions

To honor the loyalty of our visitors, we offer multiple promotions to give you access to the best care for your pets.


New Puppy or Kittens

We want your Puppy or Kitten to get off to a GREAT start!

Included in your new puppy or kitten examination series*

1. One Month of Injury/Illness Insurance coverage from Trupanion Pet Insurance
2. One Month of Nexgard or Nexgard Plus Flea and Tick Prevention (puppy only)
3. One Month of Heartgard Plus or Nexgard Plus heartworm and intestinal parasite prevention (puppy only)
Puppy Estimated Value - $150.00 Kitten - $ 100.00

​Offer Available: Everyday!! *excludes litters - ask about litter discounts

Refer a Friend!!!!

Refer a friend, family member, neighbor? Make sure they mention your name. You will receive a $10.00 coupon off your next visit! No Limit!