Laurie Miller

Laurie Miller
Customer Service Representative
Having worked in customer service at Animal Care Hospital since 2004, its’ been my privilege to meet some of the most amazing pet owners in the area. Working with them, along-side some of the most knowledgeable and compassionate animal health care professionals I know, is extremely rewarding! As a team, we are always striving to keep our furry family members healthy and happy. Many of our clients have been with us for years . . . if not generations. Together, we have celebrated the ups and downs along the way . . . new arrivals, another healthy annual exam result, those sometimes-elusive weight goals, illness or injury recoveries and also those lives well-loved and lived. Each time the phone rings, or the door opens, it’s another chance to make a difference . . . and that’s exciting!
When not at work, I’m a country girl at heart. I live with my husband Lee on the family farm where we raised our two daughters. We have a Jack Russell terrier, “Lacey”, who keeps us on our toes, and is our primary source of entertainment! We have a feline friend named Ari, who is Queen of her barn domain, and we currently have three horses. . . Gigi, Lily, and AJ (the horse). If you know me at all, you know I’m a horse nut . . . and have been since I bought my first horse with my paper route money at age 14. Happiness can be found on the back of a horse! And to be honest, I’d much rather spend time in the barn doing chores, than in the house doing house work. . . any day of the week!
The other great loves of my life are our grandsons, Adian James (AJ the boy) and Dalton Lee. I can often be found conspiring ways for “Mimi and Papaw” to sneak in a visit whenever we can! In short . . .life is good and I try to live each day to its fullest!